Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Labor Day!

Just got through looking up the Blue Book Value for my car. I think I need to start looking and think I should change my approach and try to sell it rather than trade it in. We will see if that feeling holds or I take the easy way out and just trade it in.

Yesterday took a different turn. Father called at 7:30 a.m. to cancel on church. The Carvel cake party must have been too much and they decided to save all their energy for the anniversary party. At that point in time I did not have time to get ready in time for 8 a.m. mass, so I stuck with the 10 a.m. I ran into my money counting partner, former babysitter and she sat with me. After church I went to the grocery store and just as I was about to get in the check out line, I got a call from my brother who was wondering if I was bringing the parents by his work because he was getting ready to leave. I told him they did not come out to town as planned, but I would stop by when I got home. He was having a full day as usual. He is a good worker and good person on so many levels.

After unloading the groceries, I got hooked on watching Christopher Hitchens on CSPAN and got completely confused about my response to the Michael Duffy writing on Billy Graham. Then I made a cake - not a good thing, because I will eat it all over the next few days. After that I went for a walk. On my way home, I called my neighbor to see if it was dog walking time so she and her dog joined me for the tail end of my walk and then we decided to go for pizza for dinner as her daughter had plans with her friends.

Dinner did bring me home in the middle of my Q&A, but I had had a full of CSPAN at that point and I enjoyed what I got to watch.

I don't have a plan for today. I called in to my school phone and only one call in so no need to go in and clean out my message box. Can't decide whether to take a short trip later to the beach, we will see.

Have a good day.

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