Friday, September 14, 2007

Mirta Ojito; Dial; Transition

Busy day ending at the Hartford Library listening to author Mirta Ojito talk about her book "Finding Manana: A Memoir of Cuban Exodus". Small group, but great presentation and venue. Third floor of the library overlooks an interesting part of Hartford. I also met the author who is presenting next Thursday. Kay Abella and her "Fighting Castro: A Love Story". All leading up to October 26 and Cristina Garcia and "Dreaming in Cuban". Our October 15 book club will the Dreaming in Cuban so I am going to try to go to both.

We had a campus tradition kick off yesterday. You are "anointed" as a member of one of two groups. I "am" a Dial - so my colors for designated days will be purple, blue or pink. The other group is yellow, orange, red.

Stopped by my parents on the way into the library last night. The night before we had discovered they needed a new switch in the downstairs bathroom so I removed the lightbulb and my father was going to put in a new switch. I called in to make sure they did not me to stop in to put the bulb back into the fixture, but they had taken care of it...88 and 85 yr old and a step ladder - not a good look to me, but when I checked it out last night, all looked good EXCEPT up is off and down is on...of those pesky details. Oh well.

Have a letter of recommendation to write this weekend for a friend who wants to go into the Peace Corps - it is a perfect decision for her and I have that on my things to do list for this weekend. But that list also includes - a panel discussion at the Hartford Library on Saturday, do wash, count money on Sunday at church and I got two tickets to a benefit dinner and concert (Genesis) in Hartford on Sunday. The first assignment from my new department...I like this job more every day. Asked my old roommate if she would go with me. She works for the State Education Department so she should be able to introduce me around based on the sponsor of the night.

Next week Kinky's "night" got filled up by a dinner with some former co-workers (my Italian food restaurant group). One's husband is back doing chemo and the girls' night is distraction to what is going on at home. So Tuesday night is the only open night right now, but that is faculty meeting night which I should go to now with my new job, so I guess that is why it is "open".

I also have to switch my dressing gears to go to regular shoes and warmer clothes...not a happy transition but it is getting chilly.

Sunday Q&A: Al Neuharth discusses 25 years of USA Today and the future of the newspaper industry. The newspaper is celebrating its 25th anniversary on September 15th. Mr. Neuharth is also the former chairman & CEO of the Gannett Company, which publishes USA Today.

Busy part of the year. Walking early this a.m. - this may need to change with the season also. We will see. Better get going.

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