Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rainy Saturday

I am thinking our town's founder day events will be moved to tomorrow...I am thinking that the "rain date" deal is not a happy decision.

Today is taking shape. I have finished my wash this a.m. - again no spotting of me going up and down the stairs in my pajamas. Next off to Staples to get my coupons for my old printer cartridges. Then on to Hartford Public Library for another lecture. Then to church, then to school to meet with my new boss as she is on phone duty from 6-9 p.m. The non-glamorous part of the free house aspect of living on campus. And I think I need to go by my old office to see what needs to be done to wrap up my last week at that post.

Tomorrow morning - counting money at church, then prepare for my night out and Genesis concert.

I have done a lot of writing today already, so I am going to shut down the computer and get on with my day. More later.

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