Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Writing rather than walking

I am thinking that rest over exercise is the way to go this a.m. I will get back on some schedule next week?

Sunday night ended on an interesting note. The pre-concert party was great, concert - we stayed for an hour of a 3 hour concert. I love Phil Collins solo, not so much love for his Genesis phase. Then on the way home I got pulled over by the police AGAIN - had my seat belt on, but this time for no light over my license plate. I lived in Texas and North Carolina for 25 years and only start having run ins with the law when I come back to the North!!! What is that about? Just a warning, but still!

Yesterday was busy working on orienting myself to my new office and wrapping things up at my old. Not a pretty picture at the old. I will be very happy when this week is over.

Last night was an adventure. I stopped on the way home to get lightbulbs for my license plate light. The auto parts place sold me the wrong part, so after involving 4 neighbors, the last one finally confirmed - wrong part. I will try again today.

I sent off my letter of recommendation last night to the Peace Corp. Hope my friend gets accepted and assigned on the timing she desires.

No visit last night from sister #3. Travel plans changed. We will see what the rest of week holds. Tonight is faculty meeting. Don't know if I will go or not - not mandatory for either of my positions.

Here we go on another dual brain day.

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