Sunday, October 14, 2007

Breakthrough Saturday

Finally got through the backlog yesterday and if I was not working the Horse Show today at school (setting up and working the first shift at the Admissions' table), I would not be going to work today! But that is fine. It feels much better to be back to daily work rather than daily work + catch up - and the timing could not be better. I need to take advantage of the fall season before we go into winter. I am going to try and squeeze a beach trip into this weekend coming up.

I did have a good walk yesterday after I finished at work and went to church, then got into bed to read my book club book but realized that time was not the reason I was not enjoying the reading - the book does not get me, so I will move on to November's book since I have to lead the discussion so I am hoping that the book gets me as I recommended we read it.

Hope to have a friend and her husband over to school for brunch today. We will see if that plan happens. My plan after that is to go pick up my mother and bring her out to see a bit of the horse show. She was an award winning equestrian in her day and I keep telling my father to bring her out to watch the girls ride, but he has not, so since she has never had a driver's license, I guess I will take matters into my own hands. We will see.

Other than that, I need to shift gears back to filling my days with non-work stuff. I have had a very good response to my shift in the dining hall. Going back to my salad bar days. I was distracted during the summer and needed to get back to the green aisle over the hot food bar. Amazing how my body reacted to the change. But I am looking to reintroducing wine into more of my days... That fell off during my work crunch of the last month. Seems like forever since I crossed the street but it has only been two full weeks. Now I will work on setting my work/eating/exercise rhythm of my new life.

Have a great week.

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