Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"Don't forget to vote" day!

Good meeting last night at the meet the candidates - I stayed for the Bd of Ed and Bd of Finance, left after that because I was comfortable with my decision as to who to vote for on the Bd of Selectman and 1st Selectman - and I was hungry. Of course the big deal for November's election is that we are giving up our voting booth/pull the lever voting machines to the optical scan approach. You would think we were asking people to vote naked! Our small town New Englanders are not a "change agent" people - that Revolutionary War wore us out on the whole change thing...

The balance of my day was good - even with my "late for me" start. Got a call from sister #4 last night. We are starting our Thanksgiving plans. Need to get with mother to see what she is visualizing. The downside of the call - in a funny way - was my sister telling me that one of her ex-students who now attends sister #5's school and plays on #5's field hockey team and who I met at the game I went to a few weeks ago told sister #4 that "I met your mother"!!!! I know there was a time there where I was burning the candle at both ends workwise, but sister #5 is 46 and #4 is 50....I guess I was looking worse than I thought. Of course sister #4 could not wait to tell me. But I am going "to live or die" with my philosophy of what is me is me - so no getting rid of the grey or plastic surgery or make up...but it sounds like I am closer to the die end of that equation than I thought...oh well. Good I am not wrapped up in other opinions of my looks.

Got an email from the author of my November book club book - she can't come to the book club meeting, but she is going to send me "an opening statement" to help me set the tone for the discussion.

Off to Hartford Public Library tonight for a movie - about the people who tried to get to the US on rafts. Thursday is dance class. Friday is Hartford Public Library again to hear the author of Dreaming in Cuban. I think my Cuban phase will be over at that point. I am being drawn to the movie theater if it rains this weekend - George is one of few who draws me to a pay movie theater.

Memorial service for the music teacher's husband will be at the campus Chapel this Saturday.

Have a good Wednesday.

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