Thursday, October 25, 2007

Who has the right idea?

Lots went through my mind last night as I watched the documentary about the people trying to get to the US from Cuba in 1994. One night I hear that Cuba is the only country rated "sustainable" by the World Wildlife Foundation and another night I see people doing a "do or die" to get to a country who is working against nature on a daily basis and is so out of touch with its basic needs on so many levels. It was painful to watch what families went through. It was also interesting to listen to the professor who introduced the movie about what it was like for him to live in Cuba until recently and how he saw the events as he grew up from post revolution to today.

Perfect timing to go out to dinner with a co-worker tonight (dance class was cancelled) who has also spent time living outside the US - she will tolerate my rantings if I get going on my Cuba info overload this month. I will wrap up my Cuba phase tomorrow night. Then on to Mali - the setting for my November book club book where I will be leading the discussion.

Received a pretty long "to-do" list at our staff meeting yesterday. Trying to get an early start this morning, but I am not making much progress on that.

Walk yesterday morning got me off to a non-energizing start - it is so strange to see how people in the midst of an atmosphere that does not energize them sap me. My co-worker, now sustainable farmer worked, but when my former co-worker from "the other side" joined up with us not so smooth. I had to flash back to advice I got in 2001 - go toward what energizes and away from what does not. I will keep that in my mind as I go through my day today to keep myself moving in the right direction.

Talk about non-energizing - sister #1 had a colonoscopy this week. Another reason I do not go to the doctor. I think our health insurance system hurts us more than helps us. Another "have and have not" situation in our country. Some are way too insured and others so underinsured. I think we should give people more responsibility in addressing their medical needs - get rid of the "co-pay" mentality and I think dental insurance is much more significant than medical. Full dental insurance and catastrophic health insurance is a package I wish I could find. "Take care of your teeth and your feet, and the rest of your body will follow" is my mantra (one of many...) "When I gotta go, I gotta go" is another. I will let my body tell me when my time is over not a doctor.

Have a good Thursday. Time for breakfast.

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