Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dreaming in Cuban

Did not feel so bad when I got to Book Club last night. Most in the group felt the same way I did. I am now very curious to go hear the author on the 26th. Maybe I will get inspired to read one of her later books. Now I have to focus on getting my November book read since I will be leading the discussion. The leader last night rescued the night since she had traveled to Cuba in January with a bird watching group and the discussion about the country itself was very interesting. I might have to go the Hartford Library tomorrow night too to see their presentation on the Natural History of Cuba. I am very curious to have some visuals of what the country looks like.

Nothing saved the Red Sox last night and the Rockies are the quietest NLCS winners that I have ever seen.

Floated the idea to my son and sister #3 about a lunch date in NYC this Saturday. We will see what response I get. Floated the idea of a November 3 meeting with sister #4 and #5 at Miss Porter's School where sister #5 will be coaching a field hockey game. Then the other variable as to family get togethers is to find out if sister #1 is going to be able to make it to CT during her trip stateside. And I saw my brother at my parents on Sunday, so that will cover me on the family visits. We will see if it all comes together.

Trying to put together my new course at work without putting any additional demands on my boss. Have to think that through a bit more today.

As always, better get going.

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