Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Gearing up for birthday weekend

This week is not exactly flying by, but working the last two weekends has made it a bit difficult to differentiate between "week" to week. I have cancelled my travel plans to NYC this weekend. I feel the need to stay local and my son's lease runs out at the end of October and I really don't want to know where he will be living as of the end of the month. I also don't want to take away from sister #3 and her parter having their home to themselves since niece #2 is off to DC to meet up with sister #1 who is coming stateside for medical work. Did ask sister's partner to put me in touch with her son to see about a ticket to the UMASS-St Louis basketball game in February.

I forgot to mention that I took a lawn chair from my parents' yard and moved it into my living room. It is a perfect reading chair and since I won't be lounging in the yard during winter...seemed to be a good thing to do. I will put it back outside in the Spring. The color is even perfect for my living room. My brother said it is sort of a college furniture thing, but when you are as cheap as I am and live on the 4th floor of a buiding without an elevator, you think long and hard about adding furniture pieces to the house.

Going to the Hartford Public Library for the slide show on Cuba tonight. I want to see what this country looks like that I have heard so much about of late. I am also going to contact the author of my November book club book to see if she will call in and give an opening statement for the meeting via my cellphone. I will test the speaker phone aspect of my phone before I present the idea.

Have a good Wednesday.

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