Friday, October 26, 2007

Fall Friday

NOW things are getting fall-ish. Had to wear my sweatshirt when I was walking last night and a jacket when I went to dinner. And the full moon this week is always a great sight from the ridge above school.

Today it is going to be rainy. Sounds like a good reading weekend. I might slip into work over the weekend - memorial service for co-worker's husband and a couple of projects I want to wrap up. We have 5 families coming in for visits and interviews today, so I might be chatting a bit during the day.

Last night was fun. Ran into my next door neighbor on my way out of the restaurant last night. Sat and talked to her and her ex-boyfriend for a minute. Max-a-Mia is a "can't go wrong" restaurant. All the Max series of local restaurants are a good thing.

Interesting dream sequences the last few nights. It is always a good sign to me as to my state of mind when my dreams are memorable and vivid. I think of it as exercise for my mind. It seems to have the same type of invigorating residual of when I get a good walk in. Shouldn't surprise me as the brain is a muscle - at least that is what my memory bank from high school science tells me.

Big Halloween Parade in my town this weekend. Don't know if the weather is going to cooperate, but I missed it last year so I might try to take a look this weekend if it is not raining. They have orange luminaries and put orange bulbs in all the Main St streetlights.

Our school garden had a bumper crop of pumpkins so the garden club is selling pumpkin pies and pumpkin bread. Forwarded the email to my parents to see if they are in the mood for either. The teacher who leads that club is a very energetic soul.

Good day ahead - I can just feel it. Happy Friday.

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