Sunday, October 07, 2007

Good news Saturday

It was a beach day for sure on Saturday, but I was happy at work. Tackled the supply closet so now at least I know what is in there - still too new on the job to know what goes out when...but it is a first step. We also had a sports day on campus so I went down to the fields to watch soccer and field hockey for a minute - had some apple cider and resisted the cookies and cakes.

More good news, I got to church and it helped me shift gears for the day and I went home instead of back to work after church. I watched some news, some CSPAN. Was getting ready to watch the LSU football game, but decided to go to bed instead.

Today I am going to slip into work for a bit this morning, then into my parents to do my wash while they are out with friends for lunch. I hope it will be a sunny, bit cooler day and I will sit in their backyard and read my book club book. We will see how much I get done this morning to see if I go back to work after that or not. Clarence Thomas is going to be on Q&A tonight so I want to make sure I get my walk in and get home in time for that. One of the CSPAN programs I watched last night was the Book Party for Justice Thomas at a private residence in DC. Very interesting party scene...Supreme Court Justices, VP and Mrs. Cheney among the many guests.

Have a good Sunday. I am looking forward to having a real weekend pretty soon, but I am very energized by my current work. No big name job but key to meeting the goals of the department. That is what I always like - helping people from getting from Point A to Point B.

Yankees HAVE to win today. Go Roger!

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