Monday, October 08, 2007


Yankees good, #20 and Green Bay not so good. When I tuned into the car race, Stewart was ahead with not too many laps to go but then a crash and I can't figure how he fell to 8th. Green Bay - if they couldn't go undefeated, I don't mind that Lovie beat them. Yankees - Joe Torre can keep counting his $7 million salary for another day. Two more wins to go.

I went in to work in the a.m., then for a walk, then into the parents. Did my wash and enjoyed the weather in the backyard lawn chair. The only downside of my apartment is no outside seating area on the 4th floor. No roof garden like sister #3's set up in Brooklyn. Parents had a good time with their friend at lunch - 89, 88 and 85 year old group. My father is going to his 70th high school reunion this Wednesday. Always interested in how many lunchmates he finds when he goes each year.

Stopped at work on my way home but was not in the mood - so I stopped and bought my weekly banana supply at Shaw's. Ran into the school bus taking the girls around to local stores and shops on the weekend. The man who drives the bus works 7 days a week, regular job M-F and then Friday night, Saturday and Sunday drives the area bus. I do it by choice some weeks, but I don't think I would be happy if I had to work 7 days a week to make things work.

Called my neighbor to see if she wanted company walking her dog. We took a short walk. She and her daughter had an up and down day at the beach Friday night and Saturday and ended up coming home Saturday night. After I left my neighbor and the dog, I walked by the house I grew up in to see if it was on the market. My father had read a RE add that sounded like the house. It wasn't "our" house. They did have a sign on the 4 car garage across the street saying that a zoning change is being requested. There is a great room above the garages where the Boy Scouts used to meet when we were little. My father owned it and the house behind it for awhile. I will be curious to see what the plan is. Should find out at the EDA meeting on Tuesday night.

Watched Q&A with Clarence Thomas - I think his is very close to be "over" the interview circuit he is doing to promote his book. It was not Brian Lamb's best work in my opinion.

My son called early in the evening. He had missed the exit for 684 and wanted to make sure Rt 7 South would take him toward NYC. I wonder if he told his van passengers that he was calling his mother...

Today is the big open house at work. Hope all goes well. I hope the rain holds off. Tours of campus are not as fun when you are carrying umbrellas.

No meetings tonight, so I am happy. Think that means that I will be watching DWTS's. Have a good Monday.

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