Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Open House Monday

99 people at the Open House! I kept going over my list to see if I could remember one more person so we could say 100, but 99 is good. Long day, but worthwhile.

My son called when I was on my way out of work to say thank you for being his GPS on Sunday night. He was bemoaning the Topps meat recall. He and some friends have been getting together for a bar-be-que every Monday night and Topps hamburger patties were the normal faire...no longer. He and I were thinking that people are a bit gun-happy or litigation happy pulling the plug on some of these foods.

Going back across the street late this afternoon to do some training. It is not something I am looking forward to...the place is like kryptonite to me! But the good news is that I can go "home" to the other side when the training is over.

Also EDA Committee meeting tonight. Hope I get home in time for DWTS results show. Didn't get to watch show last night.

Looks like the weather may be "Falling up" a bit - hottest October day ever yesterday...but cooler by the weekend. My turtlenecks are dying to get out of my closet.

Bad for Yankees, good for Cowboys.

Have a good Tuesday.

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