Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day off and it is snowing!!! Not good.

Couldn't believe it when I look out my window this morning and it was snowing. So much for my what I thought I heard yesterday that "it would skirt the area". It still surprises me when winter comes - this year and last. Too many years of living in the South. And hearing from a friend that it is 84 degrees in Houston...not music to my ears.

Catching up on my volunteer committee work today. Delivered my signed minutes next door to the Town Hall this a.m. and stopped by my car on the way home to get the snow off. Spoke to my cousin this a.m. to get my dessert assignment for Thursday. Looks like I will be making brownies tomorrow after work. Just spoke to my brother whose family will not be joining us for Thanksgiving so he is taking our parents to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner tonight and invited me along. I have never been to one before. That changes up my plans a bit so I will do some wash here today and do the balance on Thursday morning at my parents before we head to my cousin's. I will go out to do some shopping - brownie mix.

Good book club last night. I think it went well. Of course my attitude that keeps the stress down in my life helped last night - events will be what they will be so all I do is prepare myself to the best to my ability then show up and let things happen. No meeting in December and I need to look back at my list to see what is up for January.

I am missing not being at work today. I do like my setting and my work. It is hard not being there today - how sad is that?!

Headed to the basement to do wash. Have a good day.

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