Thursday, November 22, 2007

Didn't realize I didn't write yesterday...

Had a great time at work yesterday. Stayed a bit longer than the 12 noon when most left, but it was all good. Also went on my campus walk for the first time in too long. Felt good. Did run (walk) into a man walking by himself up on the ridge by the observatory, but I just said hello and kept walking. On my walk I called my son - I had not heard if he was coming to CT for Thanksgiving so I just thought I would call. He answered and he is in Canada! I guess I should not have pushed so much about the finding a girlfriend - he is now up visiting "the chick from Canada" who had been down in NYC visiting him when I called him when I was in Boston that day. Be careful for what I ask for. Also called sister #4 to see what time she was headed up to the parents on Thursday.

After my walk, I came home to make my brownies for today. I checked the schedule for church this a.m., but I am just not moving fast enough to make it at 9 a.m. I will get back on track with that some Sunday? I have a lot of "tracking" to do once the holiday is over. I am going to take one day off next week from work, but not two! Too much going on and I don't want to miss anything.

I had the best email waiting for me yesterday a.m. A friend from UNC got her invitation to join the Peace Corps as of June 2008. I am so excited and proud of her. She has stayed focused - while enjoying herself - for her 4 years at college and reached her goal. Now that I think about it, that is what distracted me from writing yesterday a.m. I was busy writing her and other people to brag about her accomplishment.

For the week ahead:
Sunday's Q&A lineup
Nicholas Negroponte
One Laptop Per Child, Founder & Chairman
Nicholas Negroponte
One Laptop Per Child
Founder & Chairman
·On leave from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was co-founder and director of the MIT Media Laboratory (conceived in 1980 & opened in 1985), and the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Technology.
·Serves on the board of directors for Motorola, Inc. and as general partner in a venture capital firm specializing in digital technologies for information and entertainment.

Holiday Cosmic guidance:

Talk normally as little as possible in the coming week. Instead, try to communicate primarily by whispering, singing, laughing, speaking in rhyme, using foreign accents, making animal noises, and imitating cartoon characters. In my astrological opinion, this could free you to express feelings and thoughts that you've been unwisely suppressing. It would give you the power to access potent information that neither your monkey mind nor your rational mind has much interest in.

November 22, 2007 -- You are capable of so much more than you are currently doing and with the cosmic picture changing in your favor over the next few days you will be inspired to aim higher and try harder than before. You must, however, give yourself plenty of leisure time too. All work and no play won't be to your liking.

Sports today: GO GREEN BAY!!! I so want Green Bay to win and Dallas to lose. We will see. I am assuming Duke won the Maui Classic but I will be checking. I was sad to see DWTS's results this week - I am over Marie, but I guess the fans are not.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

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