Monday, November 19, 2007

Sunday - wrapping up my sick time

Feel a million times better this a.m. Amazing what liquids and rest will do for a body. I still did not leave my apartment, watched some sports, and made it through Port-o-call and only part of Q&A. Looks like Carr got the message in Michigan, the Packers are still on fire, Giants won a close one, and the Patriots...stayed on their undefeated quest. It would be funny if Miami goes win less when their earlier Miami team loses their only perfect season record.

Taking my time getting ready for work today. I am sure I will still be the first one in the office, but it will be a skeleton crew since the students had to be off campus by Saturday afternoon.

I emailed the author of Finding Manana this morning. I wanted to tell her what an honor it was to meet her in Hartford and it meant even more now that I read her book and loved it.

Snow getting close to the area, but not in our state yet. Not this week please.

Leading Book Club tonight. Looking forward to it. I love "having the mike" in front of a group of people. Hope I feel up to a walk today before that. We will see. Have a good Thanksgiving week Monday.

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