Friday, November 23, 2007

Post Thanksgiving

The big day is over and it went from 60's to 30's between yesterday and today...oh well. At least it is dry. Plan for the day is to do a walking tour of the new area they just built in West Hartford. Then she will head home and I will head to Rhode Island to see her and sister #5 tomorrow. My sister shared this web site about who is your presidential candidate based on entering answers to a series of questions: Ron Paul, Joe Biden, and Bill Richardson are my top three. I think everyone in the United States should be required to take the test - and answer honestly in the privacy of their own home. But it also shows that no candidate and I are really "aligned". I will have to keep on thinking - over the next year.

Saw a cousin's son yesterday who has a friend at Boston College in the Athletic Dept..may get tickets to the BC - St Louis game. Green Bay won big yesterday, but so did Dallas so not as good as it could have been.

Going to stop by school today on my way to meet my sister - forgot to water plants on Wednesday.

Have a good day after Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

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