Sunday, November 18, 2007

What a weekend!

"Not feeling too chipper" turned into complete surrender yesterday. I did not leave the house and did not even get out of bed until 3 p.m. But I had the gift of taking that time in bed to read the entire book of "Finding Manana" by Mirta Ojito! I loved that book. And it is the upside of fighting with the reading of "Dreaming in Cuban" to have gotten to meet with Ms. Ojito and read her book. I also watched a whole episode of Without a Trace. It used to be a favorite show of mine before I became taken with my evening C-SPAN when I am home to watch TV. I also got to catch up on lots of football news - Michigan loses again to OSU. Last year we could blame it on the spirit of Bo's death, but this year - no drama, they just lost. UCONN is on its way to a game of the ages next week and a possible Big East FOOTBALL title - new ground for UCONN. Notre Dame's win was a bit hard to get worked up about when you consider the opponent - Duke.

I have not walked in a few days, but I feel that I had to give up completely to get back on track. I had really taken a toll on myself with my lack of attention to life over work. Part of my walking trail today is closed off anyway - as shared in the newspaper today.

"CANTON — - Town Bridge on Town Bridge Road will be closed from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday so an independent film production company can shoot a scene for a movie.

Police said residents should use Torrington Avenue and Powder Mill road as alternate routes."

I guess I am not the only one who is taken by the views from this bridge.

I did get my committee minutes straightened out and did my filing of paper that had piled up on my desk, paid my rent - I am sure I pay my rent earlier in the month than most, watered plants. I have some notes to write. Sister #4 called to discuss what do we bring for Thanksgiving. Our family assignment is "desserts". I need more guidance than that, so I emailed the hostess to narrow my assignment a bit.

Thought is I may go to Rhode Island next weekend. I also need to plan a NYC trip soon - I will let the Black Friday and Saturday shoppers get their trips done before I head out. I also was looking at the Main Street Initiative schedule of seminars. Think I need to go to the next one to get a feel for what it means to be a part of this group which my town is...but it seems like paying the dues is the present level of involvement. I would like to see that change.

Not leaving my apartment all weekend means that wash has not been done, no grocery shopping, no work, haven't even checked my mail - no losses there.

Work tomorrow, off Tuesday, work a few hours on Wednesday - off Thursday & Friday, work Monday, off Tuesday & Wednesday...this should be interesting for a creature of habit kind of girl like me. We will see how I hold up. Another reason why Nov 15-Jan 15 is so tricky a time period for me.

Aaron Neville sang in DC this week at the National Cathedral. He is so good. Just heard a clip from it on the TV in the background.

Have a good week. Keep a good thought that I have shaken all the germs so I don't miss a minute of Thanksgiving food. I could eat turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce - JELLIED - all day every day!

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