Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Post Election Day

It was our town's 2006 but with Republicans taking charge rather than the Democratics. I got to town hall a bit late - incredibly bad service at dinner - so the count was already announced, but all the candidates and supporters were still milling around the hallways. The chair of the town Democratic Party was "a bit" dejected. He is not my favorite, so maybe this will lead to a change. The new voting method - optical scan - seemed to go well. Rain in the morning caused a dripped upon ballot to jam up one of the machines but a back up was brought in. And a friend of mine's brother in law won his race - so all in all things went well. Not that I am happy with Republican sweeps anywhere, but I think our town needs a bit of a shake up and the people I purposefully voted for won - old classmate's brother and two friends of my mother's - so it is fine with me. I also think it will shake up my Economic Development Agency job so that is a good thing.

I was very alone yesterday. The one co-worker who was not traveling was out sick for most the day. Came in to go to soccer practice and handle one appointment. I have a full day ahead and sister #5 at a local pizza place for post game dinner locally and a PC recruiting event tonight...hope I hit all my marks.

Got a great belated birthday card from my neighbor - last year it was a Hallmark card playing "Conga" by Gloria Estefan and this year "Play that Funky Music" - last year's is still working and has been on my window sill near my computer and I have reached for it over the year to make me smile. This new one will go right next to it. I think they are extravagant for what they cost, but I enjoy them totally.

Need to call for a hair trim today - I am forgetting about short hair, but my layers need some help as they grow out. I know old people are not supposed to have long hair and I am a double offender - long and graying...oh well. Hope she can get me in relatively soon.

Watched HOUSE for the first time all season. But switched over to see Jane Seymour get voted off DWTS's.

Better get going.

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