Saturday, November 03, 2007

Stormy Saturday - but not here

Sister #4 may have weather issues for her field hockey tournament today, but I think sister #5 will get her game on this side of the state. I also think that our morning tours will be fine.

Yesterday did not meet my expectations, but I got to all my appointed locations. But we lost our soccer game, I did not get my walk in - except to walk to and from the game - and the dance concert was too modern for my taste last night. I needed something a bit more snappy last night versus the thoughtful, pensive presentation. I left at intermission. Dinner was good - swordfish which my father mentioned many times during dinner as to it NOT being previously frozen and it was $13/pound. But I did not let that take away from my enjoyment.

Tonight sister #1 will be in NYC and have dinner with her daughter, sister #3, her partner, and my son. I sent her some "slippage" for him. (money "slipped" to him at family events) He had to rent a truck for his move this week, which I don't think he had in his "budget"...if that concept has ever crossed his mind.

My plan for today is work, co-worker son's soccer game, sister #5's field hockey game, then home to "fall back". I do not look forward to next week and my time change adjustment.

Off to get ready for work.

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