Monday, November 05, 2007

Time Change Sunday

No repercussions from the time change except I did change my schedule up a bit to watch my talking head shows at my parents so I could be done with that and out for my walk well before the concert time and dark. I read the paper, did my wash, had some lunch - a very productive start of the day. Then home to take my walk. Stopped by the library on the way home to take a look at the NY Times. First Sunday the library has been open in awhile. No hours on Sunday except during the winter months. It was a beautiful walk - leaves still on the trees in most areas.

After the walk, I curled up on my couch and luckily did not fall asleep - flipped between sports and C-SPAN and public TV - including a very unsettling show about Charles Schultz...Charlie Brown was not the only guy with issues. Then to the "White Church" for an incredible concert by the Jupiter String Quartet. I think they are the most totally talented group I have ever heard in person. Great way to end my day.

I did watch my Port O Call show and Q&A last night. John Bolton did not keep my attention past the half way point of Q&A.

This week looks good - tonight nothing, but Tuesday dinner and going to town hall; Wednesday see my sister at the pizza place after her game then in to a PC recruiting event; Thursday the guitar recital - no plans for the weekend yet - except counting money on Sunday.

Taking my flashlight to work today for my after work walk. Other than that - no plan.

Have a good Daylight Standard Time Monday.

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