Thursday, December 13, 2007

Steroids, Snow, and Season's Greetings

Interesting day today with the early dismissal from work. I thought twice about leaving early, but I am glad I did. Don't know if the ride would ever have gotten worse (and it was not too bad when I came home) but I enjoyed my afternoon. Went down to some friends to borrow a shovel and ended up drinking tea and talking for an hour, then I shoveled for a good two hours. For someone who hates winter, I do find the first real snow of the season is always peaceful for me and the shoveling was very therapeutic. Between 7-8 p.m. the snow is going to stop (started at 10:30 a.m.) and I guess I will be out in the a.m. to shovel myself out again.

I have a meeting I need to go to in the morning. Meeting a co-worker at school, then faculty wine and cheese after. The holidays have begun. Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are school event nights. Tuesday is the Holiday Ride in the riding ring. I missed it last year, but am looking forward to it this year.

Have some work Holiday cards to address for my boss tonight. Also, soaking in the tub for awhile to keep the post shoveling stiffness to a minimum.

Roger and Andy and a cast of many on the list. Stupid investigation and stupid report.

People were streaming to Ski Sundown today for the first real ski of the year. Not my sport but it must have been a beautiful night with the powdery snow and the ski hill lit up. It is a pretty sport. I keep threatening cross country or snow shoeing now that I am up north. But we will see.

I think after lots of phone conversations we have worked out our "Christmas Eve-gate" situation. Christmas Eve is back at my parents' house. I don't think all the kinks are out of the deal, but I think we have reached a workable compromise. Families are a funny thing. But a definite "can't live with them, can't live without them" deal.

Better get on to my next tasks. And a glass of wine and incense time.

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