Monday, December 17, 2007

Week before vacation!

Two days of school this week, work without the girls around through Friday, then off until Jan 7. I did not learn about this "forced" vacation until a few weeks ago. I guess they turn the heat down, etc in the main building where I work now - I will try to take good advantage of the time off but I am thinking that some of us will be taking turns going in and checking mail and phone with the admission deadline coming up on Feb 1. We also have mid year and early acceptance mailings to get out. But the upside of this week is Holiday Ride Tuesday, School Faculty/Staff Party on Wednesday and office party on Thursday.

Yesterday I thoroughly enjoy my Progresso soup after my walk. I "treated" myself and bought that and not my usual winter purchase of "4-pack" of Campbell's Chicken Noodle. Doesn't take much to treat myself. And along that line...

I was a bit disappointed when I opened my holiday card from school on Saturday. We received Starbucks gift cards last year and that is something I hate to spend my own money on, but a hot apple cider "on the school" was something I was looking forward to. But this year and the "green" theme - I got a package of lettuce seeds!...not too handy to someone who lives on the 4th floor in an apartment. Oh well. May have to splurge this week and get myself a hot apple cider.

Here is what I wrote to some friends yesterday...

Dear all: I am on the tail end of our Nor'easter and I moved my car, the condo "plow boy" (winter version of "pool boy") came and did his magic and I just got back from a great walk in a crusty snow. It was peaceful and all the houses looked very "holiday" and the river with the snow is always beautiful. I love my REI rain pants for snow walking - I am safe from all the flying slush. Amazing how the right outer garments make my day. (I might be keeping my life "too" simple these days...) It is also amazing after my time in Texas and North Carolina to see how snow and sleet can fall and hours later the roads are clear as a bell and all is back to normal.

I have attached some writing from this morning about my day yesterday and to finish the story, I went to Ocean State Job Lot today (with a very wide open parking lot) and I am now officially done with my Christmas shopping. I will now begin the mental, emotional and spiritual preparation for the arrival of 3 family members (not to be confused with the 3 kings) a week from today including my son (who might be able to pass for one of the shepherds...who has not seen the inside of an Inn in quite awhile...) and then the balance arrive on Monday - except sister #1 who has decided to stay in St Lucia for the holidays...she is not only rich and famous, but she has always been our smartest family member.

I am also including a holiday greeting below I received by email and hope they don't mind me borrowing their sentiment - but it really "says it" for me and I am going to keep the last line as my mantra as I enter 2008.

But even more important, the Packers won today and I saw Rick Majerus in person (which I have been dreaming about since the 1994-95 college basketball season) on December 4 when his Billikens played against Boston College - so I am completely and totally fortified with good karma as I go into the new year.

My sincere wishes to all of you for the best holiday season and a 2008 to beat all the rest. And I hope our paths cross in the year ahead.

"Dear friends,
We would like to wish all of our customers a peaceful and joyous holiday season. We look forward to a new year that will bring peace and justice to all the world's people.

As you remember family and friends during this holiday season please keep us in mind for purchasing gifts that support peace and economic justice with union-made and fair trade merchandise at:

Be brave and bold in protest and love in 2008."

Now off to the shower and then out to scrape the car. Another day in paradise. Have a good week.

PS: Does not sound like the Giants went the way of the Packers. Oh well. Things will be picking up in the sports area through March Madness. Love this time of year - sports wise.

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