Saturday, December 22, 2007

The work week is finally over

Yesterday was a productive work day. Not too many co-workers were present and those who were there bolted as soon as the memo came from Head of School that let everybody go at noon. Then I was really alone and it was perfect. I did get the two contracts out by the time the mail room personnel headed out, so that was a good thing. I was afraid that I was going to be headed to a Post Office and that was not going to be good the Friday before Christmas.

I had a few things left to do at 4 p.m., but I thought I would go out for a walk and then finish up. Half way through my walk, the owner of 1C called me (tenant in 4D)to say that, "oops, remember that leak we had discovered weeks ago? I forgot to let you know that I have a plumber coming at 5 p.m. TODAY, can you let us into your condo?" Would have been easy if I had even been in the same I walked briskly back to my office, got my keys, came home, handed 1C my extra set of keys, showed her where my key hiding place is and I went back to work. I did ask that if work needs to be done, please not until after Jan 1...I don't want to have to be anywhere at any certain time between now and then.

School offices are officially closed now until Jan 2, but I will be stopping in probably everyday except Dec 26. Yesterday I had lots of calls. The girls sent out postcards telling people what they were missing from their application files, then they left the office and do not plan on stopping back by until Jan 2. Oh, those young kids... - or is it that they are "work healthier" than I am.

Trying to get in touch with my neighbor to see if she wants to meet for breakfast rather than dinner today. I have a feeling once I get into my parents' house today, I will lose control of the time. I also have to wrap all my presents. Might do that now and bring them to put under the tree today.

"The season" is finally here and it will be over before we know it - but there will be some action over the next four days. Can't wait to see my son. Have to stop by the bank this a.m. to finish up my Christmas shopping for him.

Have a good Saturday. Happy Winter Solstice! Shortest day today means it is all good news from here on out!

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