Saturday, January 05, 2008

Saturday prospects

Things gearing up with another mid year admit and some early decision decisions. Now I have to put together the appropriate paperwork that supports the committee's decisions... But the weather was "balmy" on comparison with the last few days so I had a good walk. Then I went back to the office and was going to finish up some stuff when one of my co-workers called and said she and another co-worker were over at the dorm having a glass of wine and would I like to join them. The girls come back on Sunday night so this was a last chance to treat the dorm as a regular house. I remember how much fun it was when I was a dorm mother and the kids were on vacation. Fun time with the younger co-workers who I feel will both be moving on soon - a twenty-something and a thirty-something - still looking for their setting. Don't know if they have found it yet.

On my walk I got a call from sister #4. She is coming up to the area today so she will come along on the shopping trip to take mother to shopping mall to exchange one of her Christmas gifts. She likes the store the gift came from and since they moved the store that was near their home she has not been doing much shopping, so this might take awhile. Sister #4 wants to hit the LL Bean store. I have no shopping goals.

After the shopping trip, I will hit work and church and then settle in for the football games. Good plan to me.

No need for the spaceheater last night. I had gotten "soft" after having it on the last two nights so I turned it on when I got home, but could not really justify it so turned it off. I was up and down the stairs going to the basement laundry room so I was getting my blood going without the help of the heater.

I am watching the stock market having some issues...this with the time for doing taxes coming around...not my favorite time of the year. Holidays followed by tax time! No wonder this is a rocky time of the year for me. Money in the forefront when I have a "tendency" of making money molehills into mountains. Oh well.

Good dreams of late. Another thing I am lazy about - dream recording. I think it could put a "shape on my life". Can't get that Q&A's talk out of my head.

Beautiful morning today. Snow on rooftops, smoke coming out of chimneys, river not frozen - pretty scene from my window. I had to laugh yesterday morning - the town decided to take the hills of snow that have been piling up at intersections in "downtown" - but they picked 2 a.m. as the start time. My neighbor was not happy. I heard some scrapping, but I think it was closer to 4 a.m. which was not a problem for me.

Spoke to a friend in St Louis last night. She wanted to check in to hear my sports and politics thinking. We worked together in Houston, but became better friends once I left and moved to NC and her DUKE background and her son's DUKE background brought her my way to visit. She moved "home" of late also.

JUNO is playing at my local movie theater now - maybe that will be my tomorrow activity or later today with sister #4? We will see.

Have a good Saturday.

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