Monday, April 08, 2024

from basecamp 2 - day 2

Up early to prepare myself mentally, physically, and emotionally to begin the trip back to basecamp 1 today and home tomorrow.  What a week.  Yesterday into DC to the orchids and then Georgetown later in the day for the Dumbarton.  I am not used to the "fancy" dress and look of people where I live.  Lots of fancy yesterday.  :)

Also saw a bunch of sister #1's friends from her PC Paraguay days over at the tennis courts.  Incredible how the group has stayed so close - friendshipwise and geographically.  

Question today - eclipse traffic.  We will see what moving up the east coast looks like.  Goal is wheels up at 7 a.m., with ETA in RI at 2 p.m.  We will see.  We do have our "glasses" in case there is a spot where pulling over and taking it all in makes sense.  

Sister #1 has the next wave of company coming in on Wed, then she is off - leaving company in her house - to do her temp assignment as Peace Corps Director in Paraguay.  

No Daily Stoic yet this a.m., but this from the email my son and I send back and forth on Sundays.  "Longtime readers know that I strive to maintain skepticism while skirting the fire swamp of cynicism. Skeptics question something until they get as close to the truth as possible, while cynics assume the worst, generally without supporting evidence. There is a big difference between questioning the motivations behind an action vs. automatically assuming those motivations are bad. And, as I am fond of repeating, cynics sound smart, but are rarely right long term. Over an expansive time horizon, the only philosophy proven to work is optimism. "  Haven't been sending these to son as he travels Europe.  Will see how many pics are waiting in my picture frame when I get home.  Sisters have been following him on instagram so all seems to be on course - in his unique way - as we speak.  

It may seem as if you are missing out on all the fun at the moment but that simply isn’t true. Cosmic activity in your opposite sign urges you to count your blessings and also to remind yourself that people, not events, are what makes life special.

Stop doubting yourself or your magic, Libra. As we step into the portal of the new moon and eclipse in Aries, you're being called to shed that cloak of invisibility off, once and for all, and step into the spotlight where you belong!

Missed ZEN DC last night, Lansing on Sunday, CT on Thursday.  Glad that Lansing is again on Wednesday.  Chicago and possible Blue Bloods shows to watch.  I will have plenty to get me right back into my life at home when I get there.  First stop on Tuesday will be getting my loaner machine back.  It has been a reliable addition to my travel gear.  :)

Have to deflate my bed and do my final packing but I will ease into that.  Did make my instant coffee this a.m. rather than waiting until sister #1's coffee making timer goes off.  Got some pictures from our visits yesterday.  More will come when sister #4 off loads some of her pics when she gets home.  Having to send pics to my email rather than texting them to one's phone seems to slow up my delivery.  :)  Need to check in with friend in NC who is in rehab post stroke.  No other thoughts for today except safe travels.  Keep a good thought for that.  Have a good Monday.  Now this has been a week.  

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