Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Home - hit the ground running

Dumbarton with sisters 1, 4 with the wisteria in the background.  Yesterday after getting the 4 a.m.-ish notification from son that all was OK with him - phone and passport.  I was a bit calmer in my departure from sister #4's.  Got home around 9 a.m.  Unpacked.  Library/Sr Ctr to drop off loaner computer.  Went to Shoprite $26.05/$11.79 spend/save.  Not as discerning in my shopping as usual.  Wanted to get shopping done.  Walk. 1 p.m. CA DC.  

Did get clothes washed.  Walk in.  CA DC.  Skipped San Diego DC.  Phone call with TX friend.  She and husband went to Dripping Springs TX to be in direct path with family and friends. 

Today - noon EOLD discussion at noon, Lansing DC tonight.  Walk with family friend and grandson this a.m.  Clean apt.  

You may be independent by nature but sometimes you have no choice but to go along with what other people want and this is one of those occasions. You may have made no firm promises but you know what is expected of you, so do it.

The energy slows down a bit as the moon continues its journey through Taurus, dear Libra, though you'll feel acutely aware of how possible change is. Use this luminary placement as an opportunity to invest further in your own evolution, allowing yourself to take the scenic route toward transformation. Luck is on your side when Jupiter activates this afternoon, especially when it comes to romantic or professional commitments. Breakthroughs could emerge in unexpected ways when Luna and Uranus unite later today, pushing you further toward a brighter future, especially when you lean into the unknown and go with the flow.

Career matters couldn't be going better right now, Libra, especially if you're in one of the communication fields, including writing, publishing, teaching, the Internet, or mass media. Your financial situation is probably improving very quickly, and you're making contact with congenial, intriguing people who share your interests. You're also becoming more aware of the changes going on in the world and doing your part to help them along. Bravo!

Nice waking up in my own apt.  Don't have to worry about creaky floor boards so I do not wake anyone up as I get my early morning coffee.  :)  Asked PD buddy for suggestions about breakfast outing for college roommate and her friends.  Have a good Wednesday.  


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