Friday, April 12, 2024

Massage Thursday

It is a rainy morning.  The hope is by 9 a.m. it will be over.  We will see.  Yesterday it was an umbrella walk.  No W&T book club book in.  Picked up a Grippando.  Still working through Jobs.  Will return my last Krueger today.  Checked in with PD buddy.  Sister #6 called.  When sister #4 and I thought we were having an adventure last week, #6 took a half day on Wednesday and flew to Atlanta from Boston on Tuesday and was taken by her gentleman caller to his little house he bought and placed in Augusta GA.  #6 called me because she knew I would be the sibling who would be jealous of her travel.  She saw John Daly!  She knew that would get me.  :)  She was back home by 8 p.m. on Wednesday for a school concert she needed to be at.  I will hope we get to meet the gentleman caller at #6's daughter's wedding in Sept.  He has homes in Maine, South Carolina, and a few in Georgia.  His family is in the textile business.  Very interesting situation with #4 and #6 and men in their lives.  

So yesterday - walk, massage.  Today walk.  Listening to a presentation about Awe that was given by the wife of one of my DC buddies.  Son sent a pic to my picture frame so it looks like he has gotten enough technology and connectivity to do that.  He is on the Rhodes Island in Greece in the town of Lindos.  He will be there for the rest of April.  Then he will see if he continues on his travels or cuts things short.  Sister #1 leaves on Monday for a few weeks in Paraguay as Acting Country Director for Peace Corps.  

Keep your long-term goals in mind at all times today, because if you allow your attention to wander for even a minute or two you could forget what it is you are after and neglect to make those all-important first moves. Stay switched on.

Your ability to multitask increases when the Gemini moon and Saturn align this morning, dear Libra, though attempting to do too many things at once could backfire. Prioritize items on your to-do list based on importance, remembering to make space for fun and perhaps a bit of daydreaming. You'll see things clearly when it comes to personal philosophies and matters of the heart while the Nodes of Fate stir. Invite in healing when it comes to relationship trauma later today when Chiron stirs to offer celestial soothing. Love flourishes later tonight when Luna connects with Mercury Rx and the sun, helping you grow closer to those you admire most.

A lack of communication on the part of your mate or perhaps a business partner can cause you to feel uncertainty about the relationship. Don't fall into this trap, Libra. Use your warmth and understanding to open up the communication between you. You'll probably find that all is basically well. Your partner just needs some space. Take some space for yourself, too! A little solitude might do you some good.

Solitude will be my day today.  I will keep an eye to what comes to me over the day.  Have a good Friday.  

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