Thursday, July 18, 2024

Yesterday was 6000th post :)

Interesting day yesterday.  But finished on an uplifting note.  Started Tom Lake by Patchett: Tom Lake is a meditation on youthful love, married love, and the lives parents have led before their children were born. Both hopeful and elegiac, it explores ...   Cleaned apartment. Took my walk with family friend in the a.m. Great noon EOLD discussion.  Then off to Sacred Journey.  Love it when she asks me questions and then uses her crystal to reflect back to me if what I am sharing that is in my heart and mind is true.  Love it when it is confirmed.  Introduced her to Death Cafe, Completed Life and Center for Conscious Living and Dying.  Love that when I can do that for others.  Stopped at Cumberland Farms on the way for gas.  Have a trip today and a trip on July 30 and gas was $.40 less than in my town.  Got back from SJ and went directly to the pool.  Not for long but saw a face from the past - family friend since 1955's wife.  Got out before the storms.  Storms closed the pool and cancelled my swim fitness class.  I was not too sad about that.  Next session will start up next week.  I was happy to shut it down for the day.  And talking about faces from the past the daughter of my mother's matron of honor in 1949 was ahead of me in line at Shoprite on Tuesday.  It has been a journey down memory lane for the last week.  Started the month with my cousin and will end the month with the college friends.  

TX friend is at a hotel by the airport.  Tested positive again for COVID on Wednesday morning...  :/  I will go up and have an open air visit with her this a.m.  No restaurant lunch as we had thought about. I will be curious to talk with her and see where this week has taken her.  She is lined up to babysit for her grandson in two weeks.  As consistently as I am NOT on the go, she is on the go.  :)   

Today - ride up to see TX friend, pool, walk, NY DC.  Walk will not be my regular.  Back to "normal" tomorrow and theoretically much "cooler" - 80's - and less humid.  Not that it has stopped me from walking but it will be a nice change.  

Sent my son some info from the EOLD discussion about an event near him. Divine Pine Gathering.  Also the latest furniture move estimate.  Even though we pulled the plug on that, I wanted him to know what the big pieces of furniture are that I have - just in case.  

Had a call yesterday from the PD that my PD buddy is applying to for his next 20 years.  Hope I did good.  Haven't been a work reference for anyone in quite a while.  Fingers crossed.  

Don’t bother trying to move events in the direction you want them to go because today’s Sun-Uranus link means your efforts will probably be wasted. Your best course of action by far is to stay loose and react to events as and when they occur.

Keep a tight grip on your thoughts and words this morning, darling Libra, as the Sagittarius moon and Saturn square off. This cosmic climate could bring friction to the table, marking the perfect excuse to quiet down and focus on work and living your best life. Professional or romantic breakthroughs could emerge unexpectedly as the Cancer sun and Uranus align, especially when you seek commitment head-on. Your popularity elevates when Luna forms a supportive grand trine with Venus and Chiron this afternoon, helping you bury self-doubt as you forge secure alliances. Now is also a good time to network or share ideas with those who can help you get ahead.

You could be feeling the pressure of time now, Libra. At this point in your life you may be more aware than ever of your limited time left on this planet. Perhaps you're thinking more about love and romance and how much they mean to you. Consider the limitations of each, but don't dwell on them. The important thing is to embrace today and make the most of the time and love you have now.

As always, I will see where today takes me.  Embrace today is a bit "thick" for me, but we will see.  :)


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