Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Monday starts the week

Did return Tom Lake to library on Sunday, started The Bookbinder Saturday night and put By Any Other Name on hold - only 273 "orders" ahead of me on that one.  :)

Yesterday - walk, ran into Selectman's wife in town and a lady and her dog at the reservoir who I see all the time but hadn't spoken to, massage then to pool, OHIO DC.  Spoke to sister #6 on the phone.  She sent me this pic from the latest wedding at the compound.  I would be interested who was on that 400 guest list. 

I did a bit of recon looking for ANOTHER airbnb in town.  Sister #4 is thinking of coming up this way for something and the one she stayed at was already booked. 

Wanted to go to the meeting last night to listen in to the Selectmen meeting, but could not get in...will look in the local news to see who they have lined up to be interim CAO when current one walks away in August.  AND how much it is going to cost.  Listening to the recording as we speak - jumped off Prof G.  Don't know the person they appointed.  6 min 21 sec meeting...  The Park & Rec Dept Director?  Hmmm...

Today Shoprite, run dishwasher, 9:30 phone call from doula in Ann Arbor, walk, CA DC at 1 p.m., pool if the weather allows, do a load of wash.  Raining as we speak.  Listening to Prof G as we speak.  

You have an important decision to make but do you know all the facts? It might be wise to hold back from committing yourself and taking a bit more time to think through the best way to approach the situation. Time spent planning is never time wasted.

There's likely to be a powerful force at work trying to manipulate the way you think about a certain situation, Libra. Be conscious of the source of your facts. It could be that someone is giving you tainted information so you'll act in a way that is favorable to his or her plan. Others may not be looking out for your best interests, so it's important that you are. Don't accept things blindly without question.

Be mindful of who your true friends are, sweet Libra, as the sun and Pluto face off in our skies. This celestial standoff could skew your vision of others, and issues could arise if loyal companions are brushed to the side in favor of new and exciting connections. Rather than entangling yourself in social hierarchies, consider focusing on your health once the moon enters Pisces. This luminary placement emphasizes the importance of living well, encouraging you to establish routines that maximize both your efficiency and free time. Connect with your spirituality for further inspiration when Luna and Mars align.

I had to smile yesterday when family friend called to say a friend of hers from church is a doula and she ran into her yesterday.  Family friend was walking with her high school friend whose son died in CA last week at 41 yrs old.  Doula was walking with the spouse of a woman who died a year ago.  Worlds collide situation to me.  And I love that.  Family friend wants to set up a meeting of her, me and doula.  Once again, the key for me is just to keep saying what I hope to learn and see who comes to me.  Good start of my day as to my cosmic guidance.  :)  

Have a good Tuesday.  Fly the heart flag - not for a millionaire's daughter's wedding but for the rest of us.  

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