Wednesday, July 24, 2024

No weather curveballs

Picture from my second cousin as he sat under a tree with a hummingbird nest overhead.  He always has a great view on life.  He is that kind of guy.  He is the youngest of the generation of my mother's maternal side. 

Weatherman had me thinking that I would be rained out of something - walk or swim.  Didn't happen and it seems like today will be the same.  Fingers crossed.  Will hope to walk with family friend this a.m.  Noon EOLD.  Swim.  Aqua Fitness tonight.  We will see what happens.

TX friend had mentioned that her sister is coming off the Cape to come to town.  I will see if that materializes.  She did reach out to family friend who is on the board of the cemetery where TX friend's family is buried.  Again, I will see if she reaches out.  

Brother called last night on his way from work to mowing the lawn of the rental house he manages.  He and his wife will take their whole family to Nag's Head for the first week of August.  What a gift that his two girls and grandson are close and his son in law enjoys the family.  Goes back to the thought I had when sisters 1 and 4 were airbnb-ing earlier this month.  :)

Did my chores yesterday - wash and wash.  Walk.  CA DC. Pool.  Spoke with an Ann Arbor doula.  Simple and complicated conversation.  NYC doula appointment being set up for Monday.  Tuesday I will be off to the beach for the day to see college people.  

If someone offers you what you want most on a plate you will, of course, be suspicious, but the good news is they really do want you to have it. Think of it as a deserved reward for all the good things you did for them in the past.

Bring spirituality and mindfulness into your morning routine, sweet Libra, as the Pisces moon and Jupiter align to heighten your intuition and promote wellness. Meanwhile, the Leo sun blows a kiss to passionate Mars, elevating your popularity and ability to make a difference. Harness these vibes by focusing on causes that are important to you, and be sure to spread some extra joy within your community. Touch base with your to-do lists when Luna crosses over responsible Saturn this afternoon, emphasizing the importance of staying on track. If necessary, set social boundaries so you can focus on what still needs accomplishing.

You're apt to come up with some new, radical thoughts today, Libra, which you should feel free to share with others. There are opportunities around that you should grab hold of. Be aggressive about pushing ahead with your progressive thoughts. Communication with people who possess opposing viewpoints will prove quite valuable. Take a lesson from the bizarre and outlandish.

Will keep an eye to who or what pass through my day today.  Have a good Wednesday.  

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