Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Change...it is "a thing"

Change was the talk of my mental town yesterday and then I woke up to an email from sister #6 re a favorite restaurant of ours in sister #4's town.  And another "change" - sister #6 was emailing at 4:40 a.m.  Not a change for me, but for her a resounding yes.  I am thinking that there will be a "last supper" before it closes for the 3 of us.  :)

So yesterday - Shoprite, walk, swim, ZEN DC.  Facilitator talked about her and her husband's move from their home of 46 years.  Stuff and time were topics many commented on.  Rained on in the pool off and on, but not a problem.  The lifeguards will be glad to see the three swimming ladies fade into the sunset at the end of the summer.   13 days until last day of pool.  Change.

I am taken with The Sum of our Days.  Her "Sisters of Disorder" hit me.  A surrounding group of proximate women who are just there as one moves through life.  I can't find the poetic way she put it as I write this a.m. but it is something I have never developed.  But I feel I am moving toward patching something together.  Wish me luck with that.  Maybe that is the good news/bad news of having so many siblings?  I found the disorder, but I never found the "sisters" or I should say I never allowed that to bubble up around me where I lived.  I thought yesterday about "time" yesterday - I moved from TX the year before my TX friend moved to TX.  I moved from NC a year or two before my brother relocated his family to NC.  I did share last night - 18 years one address at beginning of my life, 15 years at my current address and in between I always mix it up 14 jobs, 21 addresses or the other way around.  

It was a $21/$9 day ON A MONDAY Shoprite day.  AND I left $1.10 on the table by shopping on Monday rather than Tuesday, but I wanted to pace myself today and have a banana to eat for breakfast.  :)  Call with doula at 9 a.m., walk, CA DC at 1 p.m., pool at 2:30 p.m.  There is a SD DC at 4 p.m. but that might be too close post swim.  :)  I will run the dishwasher but will hold off on the wash since I used up my weekly wash on the comforter AND the sister did not come and stay Sunday night.  Oh well.  Get back on wash and wash cycle next Tuesday.  

Watched a very beautiful and peaceful episode of Viewfinders on PBS yesterday.  Blue Ridge Parkway in NC.  I was pretty much nauseous the entire time I was in the vicinity in 1994 but it is beautiful on the screen.  We did a swing through NC to see where it might be possible for us to move from TX...Boone, Winston-Salem, Chapel Hill, Nag's Head.  Chapel Hill was the winner.  Boone = nausea for me.  :)  But the music and the pictures last night were peaceful last night - from my couch and not the front seat of a car or an A-frame house in the "middle of nowhere."  My frame of reference back then WAS Houston.

Big opportunities are heading your way and the planets suggest if you keep your eyes and ears open and then act quickly and decisively you could make a fortune. At the very least you will impress people whose support could be priceless. 

The moon enters Sagittarius and aligns with Pluto early this morning, dearest Libra, adding depth to your thoughts and words. Use the energy to explore creatively, but try not to overthink any new directions you head in when Luna squares Mercury retrograde. This cosmic climate could also cause you to reflect on the past, but try not to let doing so skew your vision of the present. Luck is on your side when Mars and Jupiter join forces this afternoon, marking a pivotal moment for making big moves. Turn your focus toward building healthy relationships when the Nodes of Fate activate this evening.

Different people measure success by different scales. You shouldn't get discouraged if your accomplishment today seems small compared to what others have done in the same period. Comparisons will make it difficult for you to feel like you're getting anywhere. Someone else will always do more. Be content with what you do today, even if it's something simple.

Good tip on don't let past skew the present.  :)  Be content.  Good thoughts going into today.  Have a good Tuesday.  

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