Wednesday, August 07, 2024

"Chilly" swim :)

Just me and one swimming lady in the pool yesterday when it opened.  5 people popped in toward the end of my time.  Rained off and on, but not all the time.  So yesterday, wrote back and forth with my mother's cousin.  Talked about legacy - my great aunt left one of her homes to him and his brother and the other to my mother.  "To keep the family together".  He and his wife have been incredible stewards of their home in upstate NY.  My family has left behind our family home and then my great aunt's...  what if?  Good back and forth.  

Shoprite.  $40/$16 day.  1st Tuesday of the month so no CA DC. Ran dishwasher, walked - out at 10:30 a.m. and back at 1 p.m.  Got talking to my landlord and then realized it was 1 p.m. and I needed to get ready for the pool.  Swim.  Did a load of wash.  Finished listening to the latest Rich Roll.  "Hole in the flute that the divine moves through" as to the guest's aspiration.  Quote that stuck with me as I went through my day.  Made an appt with doula for Thursday a.m.  Son called to talk through coming and going for Sept niece's wedding.  I am dreading the wedding, but can't wait to see my son.  :)

No word from brother as to whether they have pulled up stakes on the NC ocean side family vacation with all the rain.  Did get an outreach from former school #1 to fill in some history for a former co worker working on a project for a group I worked with back in the day.  :)  Gave her what I had.  

Will see if rain stops for walk this morning. Rails to trails route was closed yesterday for tree work.  Hope it is back open today.  Have not heard from family friend.  Noon EOLD.  Preventing Elder Abuse with Rachael Dawson-Baglien.  Swim. No aqua fitness scheduled for tonight.  

Whether or not you enjoy what happens next depends on your attitude to life and with the Sun and Jupiter on good terms at the moment there is little doubt it will be hugely agreeable. Life is what you make of it, so make it very, very good.

Listen to what your body and mind need as you approach the day, darling Libra, as the Virgo moon and Saturn face off. Though you may be a creature of habit, this cosmic climate could make it difficult to stay on track with personal routines. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde and Venus join forces in the sector of your chart that governs introspection, putting you in the mood for solitude and personal pampering. Don't feel guilty about canceling plans if you need to make yourself the priority, especially when Luna aspects Uranus later tonight, granting full permission to draw lines.

Overwork and the resulting stress and nerve strain could result in tension headaches today, Libra. It might be a good idea to start the day pacing yourself and concentrating on the most pressing tasks. Don't worry if you have to leave some for later. There's a chance that others around you might get into some rather heated arguments. Stay out of it. This would only make you feel worse. 

Stayed in bed a bit longer than usual this a.m. to finish A Long Petal of the Sea.  Good book.  Will start The Dictionary of Lost Words tonight.  Debut novel of the author of The Bookbinder.  Need to clean apt and put together thoughts for tomorrow's appt.  Have a good Wednesday.  

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