Thursday, August 22, 2024

Crying as we speak...

Well I just woke up to a whammy.  Not a surprise, but the reality of the change hit me this a.m. at 5:24 a.m. when I read an email sent to me 1:04 a.m. when my PD buddy sent me his word work for today as he works the overnight shift.  He is totally my "local son".  He and I worked together at the PD and I have seen him work through being an unmarried father of two, to marrying the mother of the two kids who are now in 8 and 9th grades or 9 and 10th...  Divorcing the mother of his children and now in a new relationship.  Day to day things/happenings I have not gone through with my son, but they are very close in age and he is a daily presence in my life - word work, "elderly check" on Thursday, Friday, Saturday.  And lots of other check ins along the way.  I met him in 2010 so lots of water has gone under his bridge.  People have asked me "Do you have a son who works for the PD?"  They see him check on me on Main St and then along my Saturday route.  It does make me wonder what it would have been like if my son and I lived in close proximity...sort of like the reminder I had when two of my sisters were in airbnbs close on that weekend awhile back and what if family lived close.  

But as I shared with him this a.m. - life is all about change, I am so happy that what he set as his goal has been reached.  He started working for the PD right out college, so he now has the requisite 20 years in to get his full pension from our town and now can go do another 20 and get a full pension with the new town and still retire at 65...sounds like a $ bingo.  What I wrote to him this a.m.  He wanted to know when I was walking today. 

Walking 9-10:30 ish a.m. with a lady I used to work with - Main St to the Burlington parking lot on the rails to trails to Unionville.. 

I am having a happy/sad moment as we speak...SO happy that the goal you set for yourself has been achieved...but that leaves an unmonitored elderly woman on Main St to fend for herself going forward.  😎  BUT I also know that change is what life is all about.  Balance of my day today 1 p.m. massage Thursday and 3:30 p.m. to pool.  PTL category that I have a chakra alignment the day you give me your news.  💫  Now that I am thinking about it, my landlord texted me that my incense/diffusing was a bit strong yesterday...guess I knew I would need extra inspiration for the week ahead.  Also wish that there had been a video of my last aqua fitness class last night - I guess the chill in the air kept people away.  I was the only one to show up so it was 4 lifeguards and the teacher on the pool deck and me as the only person in the Olympic size pool.  Can't make this stuff up.  

I don't know if they know what a seismic shift your not being in the building is going to make for the department and the town...  Nothing bad but hugely different.  It will be interesting as to who steps up and who flounders.  

Maybe our paths will cross on Saturday.  Will be walking the usual Saturday route in the a.m. and pool at 1 p.m.  

Congratulations!!!  They are lucky to have you joining the team.  

That pretty much tells you about my day yesterday - walked with family friend but since I had such a late start did not clean the apt until after the walk which is why my incense burning/diffusing was more apparent to my landlord...  So walk, the noon EOLD.  Then cleaned apt.  Son called at 2:30 ish thinking I was on my regular swimming schedule.  But caught me before my new time for this final week.  He got back safely from festival.  I found out he moved to the downstairs unit of his house and will start trying to get real money out of a tenant upstairs. We also talked about logistics for wedding weekend.  He will fly in on Friday out on Sunday. Then 3:30 p.m. swim - only half hour since I knew I had aqua fitness at night and it was chilly.  :)  Sister #6 called.  She wanted some sympathy for having to go back to work today.  Kids come back on 27th or 28th.  She does not like being the only sister who is still working.  Today walk, massage, pool.  Do need to reach out to library and tell the book club lady I will not be at the Sept book club.  Sick that it falls on niece's wedding day Sept 21.  MUCH rather be at book club.  :)  

Heard from next to youngest niece.  Yayyyy just saw your email for sep 5th! I will be around! I got another job working Friday and Saturday nights but other than that I am free :) what are your plans when you’re down here???  That was good for my heart.  Also heard from NC friend - who is willing to work with my different than usual trip south logistics.  Glad I pulled the trigger on this trip even if it is only for a few days.  

If visitors are able to pop in and out during the day, Libra, you'll be in the right frame of mind to enjoy their company. Expect interesting news and stimulating conversation. At the end of the day, your mind may be going like a house afire, so it might be a good idea to take a walk or get some other form of exercise or else you might not be able to sleep.

Fresh starts within matters of the heart can bring peace your way, dear Libra, thanks to a sweet union between the Aries moon and North Node. However, people will need to earn your trust once Virgo season kicks off this morning, putting you in a private headspace throughout the coming month. You may also require more downtime to unpack your heart and mind, so be sure to prioritize solitude whenever possible. Seek that which sets your soul on fire when Venus and Mars align, but beware of pushing your own limits. Take a moment to connect with your spirituality when Jupiter activates tonight.

There is no point feeling guilty about something that was not remotely your fault. Maybe you believe you could have done more, and maybe you could, but you are not superhuman and cannot solve everyone’s problems. Focus on your own issues today.

I will hope for a bit warmer weather for my swim today.  Walk, massage, swim seems to be a good line up for the day ahead.  Have a good Thursday.  

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