Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Well that was a Tuesday...

Not sure how the day got to where it went...  Shoprite.  Chores. Walk. Stopped by Park and Rec on the walk to see what they were thinking about aqua fitness for tonight (Wed) - on - and I told them to transfer the credit on my account for the cancelled class to the P&R scholarship fund,  CA DC during which landlady delivered homemade corn chowder!, swim - air temp almost 70, water temp almost 80 so not painful, then IOWA DC.  Then read.  AND did not wake up this a.m. until 6 a.m.  Yikes.  

One big thing I did yesterday was book a flight to NC for a long weekend in Sept.  "Hesitation kills" happened, the cheapest flight on the way down was sold out for the way down...  So I went ahead and booked it without final confirmation from my brother and sister in law and knowing that my NC friends have Rotary, home football, and I do not have a plan for a rental car...I will hope that it will all work out.  BUT one sign was the wife of the friend who had the stroke who I had not heard from in a bit called last night and was happy to hear I would be in the neighborhood that Friday.  No long visits possible, but I can pop in and out as the day moves along.  AND the piece that I ended up paying more for was that I can bring a carry on on the way down.  I will think about what I can take down for my brother or nieces that will be left there.  We will see if anything hits me to make the extra money worth it.  But I am keeping my trip goals simple.  Thinking about the wisdom quote.  I am working through the vital few over the trivial many.  

"The world throws a million things at us, so we approach life as a taste-testing experience at an all you can eat buffet.  But satisfaction is born by committing ourselves to the few people, things, and experiences that matter most.  Wisdom is discerning the vital few and pouring ourselves into them.  Wisdom choses the vital few over the trivial many, and in some matters, the one over all others."

Heard from sister #1.  She was "hacking up a lung" with her cruise obtained COVID...will see how the balance of her week goes now that she is home.  Her flight from the NW was delayed, cancelled, and disrupted by the storms.  Got to Philadelphia and got directly in her car and headed to VA when the finally got to PA.  Have not hear from son yet since he shared that he and some friends were going to festival in OH...last week.  Maybe this week.  Heard from the Shaman who I talk with, she was in Montana but wanted to comment on the who I chose as my doula to work with. 

Today - Walk with family friend, clean apt.  Will plan on going to the pool only one trip - at 6-ish to do my swim then stay for the 7:15 aqua fitness class.  Last one of the season.  I am hoping someone else shows up.  The swimming lady who has been in class with me had cataract op yesterday so her summer swim season is over.  She does move inside for the balance of the year for her daily swim once she gets the OK.  

Just got the text from family friend "9 a.m. on Main" so I better get hustling.  Am still on the coffee course of meal #1...  Oh boy it is going to be a day.  :)

You may think you can get your way through sheer force of personality but as from tomorrow that won’t be so easy. As the Sun moves into the most sensitive area of your chart you will accomplish more if you try to be a touch less intimidating.

You'll begin to see the payoffs of hard work, darling Libra, as the Pisces moon aligns with Uranus and Neptune. Continue to evolve your dreams under this cosmic climate, considering fresh strategies and opportunities to maximize efficiency. This energy also makes it easier to release bad habits, though a swift and clean break may be necessary. Your inner romantic stirs later today when Luna migrates into Aries, stoking passions within. Use this energy to nurture special relationships, especially within matters of the heart. Seek companions that empower and support your dreams as Pluto stirs to promote such ties.

You could be asked to make some spontaneous decisions today that you might not feel entirely comfortable making, Libra. You could feel you don't have enough facts to make an educated decision about what to do next. Realize that sometimes it's necessary to bite the bullet and make the best choice based on the knowledge you have. Be adventurous and trust your judgment.

I bit the trip bullet yesterday.  I am hoping for the best.  Have a good Wednesday.  I will do the same despite my "late" start.  :)

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