Friday, August 23, 2024

People popped in and out on Thursday

Good day for massage Thursday.  All the news of the morning.  Then walked with former co worker.  Ran into PD friend on Main St at the tail end of my walk.  He was off to Springfield MA to pick up his new uniforms. Ran into a former school #1 co worker who I had not seen for years.  Walked 5 miles with the former co worker.  Landlady left homemade ginger snaps on my stoop when she heard I was said about my PD buddy leaving.  Then I walked up to the library to pick up my book club book because when I reached out to the library lady, she said we were meeting the second Saturday in Sept not 3rd so I will be there.  Yellowface is the book.  Will start that today as I finished my latest Allende this a.m.  (7:07 p.m. shut things down last night, 4:04 a.m. woke up this a.m.) Walked from library to massage.  Then walked home.  Then to the pool - 3:30-4:15 p.m.  Did do the pool and home in car. THEN meal #2.  To say I was ready for that is an understatement. 

To add to my information intake yesterday - TX friend texted me that her daughter - whose first baby died after living only a week in February 2024 - is 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant...which makes her due in February or March 2025.  That is such a huge piece of news on so many levels.  

And more intake:  Son called before I was off to the pool.  He sent me his travel for his trip to the wedding.  Sent it to siblings in case anyone is passing through Logan when he is.  

The whole thought about the wedding made me get an extra zing out of a line in the Allende memoir - "I lived the dream of a united family...But in real life stories there are no perfect endings. Each person just has to do the best he or she can, that's all."  This gathering in September for sister #6's wedding will ask that of us all.  Grace and space.  Two words I used in a couple of DC's this week.  I will hope there is an abundance of both given to us all over the weekend.  I also think of the bigger picture knowing that the book was published in 2008..."There was a sense of frustration in the country that had dragged on for a long time.  The future of the world looked as dark and impenetrable as tar.  The escalation of violence in the Middle East was terrifying, and the international condemnation of America was unanimous, but President Bush paid no attention; he wandered like a madman, detached from reality and surrounded by sycophants. ... Things were happening that could not have been imagined a short time before in the United States, which thinks of itself as a beacon of democracy and justice...I expected the public to react with one voice, but almost no one gave those matters the importance they deserved.  I come from Chile, where for sixteen years of torture was institutionalized.  I know the irreparable harm that leaves in the souls of victims and victimizers - indeed the entire population, which becomes an accomplice."  What is old is new again comes to my mind.  Families, the world...Each person just has to do the best he or she can.

Pool is the only thing on my paper calendar today.  Walk, swim. 

If your sixth sense tells you to take certain claims with a large dose of doubt you must not ignore them. Even if the person who is advising you has never let you down before there is a chance they could do so today. Don’t take unnecessary risks.

Love is on your side while the Aries moon aspects Mars, Chiron, and Mercury retrograde, darling Libra, encouraging you to embrace the joys of friendship and romance. The more you invest in your sense of community, the more blessed you will feel down the line. Peel back the layers this afternoon when Luna migrates into Taurus and aspects Pluto, setting your ego to the side to embrace true intimacy. You'll feel like laying low with your closest companion when the sun and moon align later tonight, though time spent alone can help you release any thoughts or feelings not serving you.

Today you're apt to feel very sensual and passionate, Libra. Sexy clothes, racy novels, and romantic movies could be more appealing than usual. Don't be surprised if you attract admiring glances from strangers. This is an excellent day to schedule an evening alone with a lover, although you might not be able to get together now. You'll enjoy it whenever it happens. Better late than never!

Good timing for my double DC on this upcoming Sunday - ME/CA and Albany CA - and ZEN on Monday.  Had a great email from a doula that was referred to me by the CCLD director.  So good to feel heard.  Sent CLI director the grief video I found - they have a grief program in September:  Inspired by the wonderful response to The Art of Grief podcast, we invite you to join us for an online and in-person The Art of Grief Retreat, Saturday, September 14th. In our time together, we will reflect on wisdom and insights from the artists interviewed for this podcast series, as well as new insights from artists such as the painter Lee Kasner and the singer Nick Cave.  I always love it when worlds collide.  

Have a good Friday.  

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