Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Chatty walk on Tuesday

First things first - started dishwasher, Shoprite bananas, peanuts and comet cleaner.  Will have to restock next Tuesday after my trip.  Next stop was to say hello to PD buddy at a private duty road job.  Then I went to the community center to pick up my travel laptop.  Was going to just check in and pick up today, but just went ahead and picked it up.  So walked that home and dropped it off.  Then headed off for my usual Tuesday route.  On the tail end, I ran into a man I worked for in the late 1969-70 year.  Half sessions at high school and working full time, moved into my own apartment the summer between my junior and senior of high school.  Fun talk with him and one of his friends he has Tuesday morning coffee with.  Then ran into one of sister #1's classmates and his wife.  They were just leaving LaSalle post lunch.  Landlord joined us for a minute as we talked street side.  Landlord and landlady celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary (2nd spouse for both) on Monday.  They celebrated with the bottle of Prosecco I had bought for them in recognition of my 15th year anniversary of living in my apt as of Aug 9...  Then home and heard from sister #1, 4, 6 and brother.  Brother's best friend's father died and I was wondering if I needed to go into Plan B planning for trip to NC tomorrow.  Brother said he is not coming up.  Sister #1 calling after I had mentioned to her that her classmate's mother in law was in "the spa" aka nursing home where my mother and father both spent some "quality" time at the end of their lives.  Sister #6 sending me more pics from TX friend's sister's wedding this past weekend.  #4 heading my way today to go to local Talbott's and go to "linner".  Might mess with my going to EOLD discussion at noon...  Oh well.  #4 wants to get out of town.  Her yacht club job rapped up on Labor Day.  Just some admin clean up work left to do.  Did my load of clothes.  Will finish packing today.

Today clean apt, walk with family friend, wait for signal of "incoming" from sister #4.  I told her to do her shopping before she comes to me.  I am not a shopper.  

As Mars moves into the career area of your chart today it may seem as if your rivals are better placed, but why should that worry you? What you possess and they do not is the ability to plan several steps ahead. You really can’t lose.

A new romance may be in store today, Libra, perhaps with someone you've known for a long time, but you suddenly view in a new light. You could see a side of this person that you've never seen before, totally changing your perception of him or her. Any new relationship formed today shows a lot of promise of developing into a lifelong connection. The bonds involved will run deep.

There will be a lot going on under the surface today, lovely Libra, as the Virgo moon aspects Uranus, Neptune, Mars, and Pluto. Try to breathe through tense feelings as they arise, giving yourself the space needed to let go and emotionally reset. Time spent alone will be particularly therapeutic, though you'll crave more attention once Lune migrates into your sign. This luminary placement can also help you shine where it matters most, so be bold when it comes to harnessing the limelight. You'll feel highly focused on your career once Mars enters Cancer this afternoon, though you'll need to have patience as you reach for more.

No work or love in my planning, but I appreciate the "you can't lose" as things are happening under the surface today...  And I might have french fries today if we go to Beau's.  Sister #4 is on the hunt for whole belly clams that she could not get this past weekend in her ocean side town.  :)

Have a good Wednesday.  Will check in for flight at some point.  

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