Thursday, September 05, 2024

Wheels up day today

Wheels up this afternoon.  Just heard from PD buddy, he will swing by this a.m.  Last day he will be working in town when I will be around.  This is going to be a big shift in my town life.  :)  Then airport.  Then NC later today.  I approach travel with my usual trepidation.  I have become a very stuck stick in the mud.  September will be a challenge with this trip and the family wedding.  

Yesterday - cleaned apt, walk with family friend, packed, EOLD discussion except for last 10 minutes when sister #4 landed on Main St.  She was at local Talbot's returning stuff and buying stuff.  Hard to find brick and mortar stores close to home for her and she wanted to take a break between her yacht club job wrap up and moving on to what the fall will bring.  First healthy fall of her retirement career.  I passed on joining her for the retail part of her local presence.  Then we went up to the cemetery to put some new stuff at the bench that she had brought up.  Walked up there.  She was not prepared mentally, physically or emotionally to walk to lunch.  We went to Beau's.  Family friend met us there.  Sister #4 and family friend are much closer in age than friend and me.  They spent high school years together so stories flew at lunch table.  

Talked to son.  Trying to map out the next few months.  We will talk more at the wedding in a couple of weeks.  

Today airport.  Brother will pick me up at airport.  We will see how things shape up from there as to seeing nieces and great nephew.  Tomorrow will go into work with brother.  He works next to where I used to work so I will do a round of visiting.  The son in law of one of the lawyers in the law firm I worked at is playing in the neighborhood Friday night.  We will see if there is a sighting before I head home with brother.  Small world.  

Will miss CT DC.  Shared my absence with the facilitator.  

You can sense it is time to move on and with Mars moving through the area of your chart that governs your position in the world there will be opportunities to do just that over the next few weeks. Don’t move just for the sake of it though.

The moon glides through your sign with little resistance amongst the stars, dearest Libra, creating an environment of softness and ease. Use this energy to focus on personal needs and goals without putting too much pressure on any situation. You'll find that a laid-back approach is best when moving forward, trusting that the universe supports your plans. There will be plenty of time for hard work down the line. For now, try to enjoy the present moment. Bring awareness to any physical tension your body has been storing when Luna and Saturn form an unbalanced aspect this evening, searching for release.

Relations with people on the job should be warm, Libra, and this could do wonders for your career. Take nothing at face value. All may not be as it seems. Someone has issues with you that render him or her untrustworthy. Take care to avoid getting too close to anyone who seems a little under the weather. Your immune system is a bit weak, and you could catch a bug.

Guess I will take some masks on my trip for the travel legs.  :)  I have had a box that the PD gave me in 2020...plenty left.  Have a good Thursday.  

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