Friday, September 13, 2024

Info full day

Had heard about this documentary before, but stumbled upon it last night.  Glad I did.  Interesting way to end the day as I had started it with a call at 8:21 a.m. my time 5:21 a.m. the caller's time in CA.  Wanted some follow up on Lansing DC conversation.  

Got car/apt insurance paid, DL renewed.  Watched All In Summit clips.  Walk. Didn't start walking until noon.  Shaman checked in.  CA doula checked in.  Registrar of Voters reached out about my getting trained up to work the early voting and election day.  Went down to KISMET in the old factory building down the street to see about having a tarot card reading...left a message with the lady they told me to call.  No call back yet.  

Cleaned up my desk.  Wrote down addresses I need to have handy for next weekend's niece's wedding activities.  Also thinking about cranking up the incense and diffuser once landlord and landlady leave for their beach time today.  :)  

You must not allow yourself to be talked into making a decision that could tie you down for weeks and months to come. The fact that your would-be partners seem so insistent that you sign on the dotted line should get alarm bells ringing.

You may be forced to put a few plans on hold as the Capricorn moon squares Venus, dearest Libra, especially if family or loved ones need your attention first. Luckily, these setbacks could act as a blessing in disguise when the sun and moon align, encouraging you to pull back and edit ideas before displaying them to the world. Notice if your self-care routines have fallen to the wayside when Chiron becomes agitated this afternoon, making corrections as needed. A charge fills your home when Luna aspects Uranus this evening, setting the perfect mood for a romantic date night at home. 

You may have a strange paranoia that people are out to get you today, Libra, but don't let this feeling paralyze you. Your emotions are more than likely getting the better of you. The reality of the situation is much different than your sensitive emotions perceive. Avoid the tendency to escape even further into this fantasy world. Stay away from drugs or alcohol.

Will stay calm and carry on.  Have a good Friday.  

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