Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Early walk

Fish House again yesterday.  TX friend off to airport to head home to return for another memorial on Oct 26.  In between she will be having one eye done for cataracts, then the second the day after she returns to TX on Oct 28.  Yikes, you know what I think about that schedule.  Travel and medical procedures!!!  She left an outfit here rather than take home and repack. Pictured group from Sept 2021 will all be back in town for the 26th.  Except the one second from the right who is the person being memorialized.    

I did an 8 a.m. walk yesterday a.m.  Chilly, but glad I got it done pre lunch at 11:30.  CA DC at 1 p.m.  IOWA at 7 p.m.  Went to Shoprite but only needed bananas so $1.51 was my total.  I did not wait in the long Sr discount shopping line of shoppers for the $.08.  :)  

Today walk with family friend, noon EOLD doula versus hospice volunteer discussion, Cape Cod DC tonight.  Wrote to ROV to see if I missed an email - no outreach as to my laptop training.  First day of work is 24th.  Oct 24, 31 and Election Day.  

You will have to deal with someone today who is every bit as stubborn as you are and the situation could get ugly if you both refuse to see sense. You do though share many things in common, so a compromise solution can and must be found.

The universe puts an extra pep in your step, dearest Libra, as the Aries moon helps you to feel gratitude for the relationships that govern your life. Use this energy to infuse sweetness into your interactions, doing what you can to put others at ease without compromising your own needs and sense of security. Luckily, balance will be easy to cultivate as the stars motivate you to move boldly toward fulfillment. Do something luxurious from the comfort of your home when Venus and Pluto align this evening, helping you find release and restoration. Tap into your spiritual self later tonight when Luna aspects Chiron and Jupiter. 

Information coming your way today might be unreliable, Libra. It could be hard for you to take a solid hold on the messages you get. Keep in mind that there are important answers waiting to be heard. These answers will come to you when you least expect them. Keep your mind open to new possibilities and the path will open up and become clear. Don't compromise your consciousness with abusive substances.

Will see what the day brings.  Did open the window wide open in my office this a.m.  Chilly, but the fresh air feels good to start the day.  Wrapped up in blanket.  :)  Have a good Wednesday.  

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