Friday, November 15, 2024

Ducks fell off the window sill yesterday

I went from ducks in a row to which way do I go.  Not a surprise with my life and times, but food for thought today.  "Easy" has never been moniker for my life.  Oh well.

But I did get a good walk in.  Chill came off as the day went on.  I am wrapped up in blankets as I write this a.m.  4:12 a.m.  Warmer this a.m. 31 degrees as we speak.  Conversations yesterday added to "the chill" of the day rather than warming me up.  Will examine that more today.

Today walking with a former co-worker at 9 a.m.  Nothing else on the calendar. Will take a walk after my walk to return a book to the library.  I did watch all my Chicago shows by end of day yesterday.  Will be tuning into Justin Rhodes once I finish writing this a.m.  We canned apples the other day with Meghan on another video.  :)  The western North Carolina life "vlogs" are so relaxing to me.  

You may not have accomplished everything you set out to do at the start of the year but you have achieved enough to reach round and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. What resolutions are you planning for 2025?

It's all about intimacy and emotional security, sweet Libra, as the Taurus full moon rises in your solar eighth house. Now is the time to challenge your own jealousy and insecurities, investing in self-worth to shake away what you do not need. A charge flows through you when Uranus activates, so allow your inner genius to shine through. This energy can also lead to breakthroughs within personal goals, though you'll need to bring order to your visions when Neptune stirs this evening. Close out the day with your favorite spiritual practices from the privacy of home when Luna aspects Pluto before entering Gemini. 

If things haven't been going too well with those you spend most of your time with, Libra, it might be time to consider your expectations of them. Ask what kinds of demands you place on others and if they're fair. Is it possible that you expect the same from others that you give, but perhaps they aren't able to match your level of performance? Consider talking with the people involved to find out how they feel.

Have to smile when I read my cosmic guidance for today...  Have a good Saturday.  I will hope for some breakthroughs within personal goals!  (insert praying hands emoji)  :)

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