Monday, December 09, 2024

Day 3...

Downtown Detroit. By the tree and then the food truck that son's buddies are keeping going.  Took a tour of the Guardian Building.  Man, Detroit was the place back in the day.  Took the people mover around downtown with one of son's buddies and his girlfriend.  Today off to AZ.  My first trip that far west.  Keep thinking - just bail and head home?  But then I think again and go with just live the next 3 weeks and see what it brings.  Do want to nail down my flight home very soon.  Will get my son on that this week.  Will have breakfast and repack.  Not worrying about snow and my car.  Warm stretch back home.  Phew!

It might be wise to watch what you say today because some of the people you deal with are going to be rather touchy. The slightest criticism could give them the excuse they need to start complaining about how unfair the world is to them.

Focus on bringing some extra spark to your interactions today, sweet Libra, as the moon enters fiery Aries. Meanwhile, Pluto steps in to intensify passions and the chemistry that exists between you and your closest companions, marking the ideal time to embrace playfulness and excitement. Sweetness surrounds you when Luna aspects Venus and the nodes of fate, putting you in the mood to shed layers and have fun. Creative outlets, flirting, and filling your cup all mix well with these vibes. Come back to any new connections you made this year when Mars rx and Mercury rx activate this evening. 

Today your progress might slow a bit. Problems with computers, telephones, cell phones, or other forms of technology might interrupt your day, Libra. This might be frustrating and irritating. Even though you don't usually blow your top, today you might be tempted. Try to keep your cool. This should pass by tomorrow. You don't want to make others more upset than they already are.

Going to be a long travel day today...Keep a good thought for me.  Have a good Monday.   

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