Sunday, December 01, 2024

Devote the rest of your life to making progress...

From my Daily Stoic weekly email...sounds simple.  I will try and put some form to that process this week and on my trip.  

Yesterday - long walk.  Dilly dallied at Shoprite on my "recon".  Almost went back post walk - 2-day sale $4 for two pounds of real butter.  Yowser in this day and time.  But the yin to that yang was the empty spaces on the egg shelves.  And the ones that were there for purchase...out of my price range.  :)  I don't know how people who cook and/or eat regular food on a daily basis make it all work.  I did get a signal from Social Security yesterday to go in and check a message.  My 2025 $?  Will check when the online service goes active at 8 a.m.  

Today - Walk to Unionville.  I am going to drag a couple things out of the closet that my son pretty much said he wouldn't want to keep - 2 boxes of Durham Bulls broken bat collection.  Some have players names on them - Chipper Jones and Bruce Chen are the only two I remember.  AND a box of 30-40 year old action figures.  I guess they are not as marketable as I thought after I saw my son's face when I mentioned that I still had them.  Leaving note for my landlord who is a master carpenter that the wood is his for the taking and his 3 grandsons can take a look at the action figures before I toss if son does not want.  

Alameda DC later today.  Will see if I am drawn to log on.  Zooming with newlywed niece on Monday a.m.  Hit her of late that I would not be joining her, husband, sisters 4,6 for Christmas in Rhode Island.  

Cousin in New Haven offered to transport son from NH train station to my house on Thursday.  HUGE assist with my Mazda shake, rattle and roll and possible morning snow here.  PD buddy is lined up for Friday trip to the airport.  THEN I will try to shutdown my brain and just be present for the trip.  Keep a good thought for all my son has planned.   

No good on UMASS and UNC for football.  And Hawaii was not kind to UNC or UCONN basketball.  Looks like I am not the only one thinking about the reset button for December.  :)

If you find it hard to discuss things in a civilized manner with a colleague this week you may have no option but to keep them at arm’s length for a while. They may be spoiling for a fight but you don’t have to agree to one.

Check-in with your to-do list before sinking into Sunday, darling Libra, as the Sagittarius moon and Saturn square off. Taking care of chores and errands will give you a sense of accomplishment, but hiding from these responsibilities could lead to unchecked anxiety. You'll feel lighter and more optimistic when afternoon hits, and Jupiter stirs, igniting your joy and intuition. Use this energy as an excuse to have an adventure or devote what remains of the weekend to mindfulness and spiritual pursuits. Do something romantic or clear the mind with a bit of flirting when Luna aspects Mercury Rx and Chiron this evening. 

Feel free to strike out for new territory today, Libra, especially when it comes to love and romance. It could be that you're so scared of losing what you have that you refuse to take risks to obtain something better that you want. Realize that you will never get any further than the rut you're in until you take a deep breath, aim high, and shoot for your dreams.

I hate that when I am told to "deep breath, aim high, and shoot for your dreams".  :)  Oh well.  Wish me luck on today.  Have a good Sunday.  23 degrees outside as I write.  Need to put thermometer on my list of stuff I do need as I head into winter 2024-25.  Pretty chilly in my apt as we speak.  Baseboard heaters are one of the things on my "Every 15 year walkthrough by landlord" checklist I am leaving for when I am away.  :)  We will see how that lands.  

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