Thursday, June 28, 2007

Interesting day on real and surreal levels

Majerus, plane crash, family gathering on the surreal; chipmunk, guitars, work on the real...don't know where to start.
In my dreams last night, I was on a plane on a runway that had a plane come over head and crash into the terminal right in front of our plane, but then I was at a family gathering at a home I don't recognize and I was meeting Rick Majerus for the first time. Very active dream night. I hope the meeting foreshadows St Louis in 2008!?
In real life, I had a good - quiet - work day. Many are on vacation using up those last days of vacation benefit. After work I walked, talked to sister #5 about her trip to Spain and France, and then stopped at my parents on my way to another concert at U of H. My parents had had an adventure with a chipmunk that got into the house and they chased it around (keep in mind they are 87 and soon to be 85...) and finally the chipmunk opted for a swim in one of the commodes so it was scooped up and released in the backyard. A full day - add their morning swimming routine for themselves, but in a pool - for the parents. Then on to U of H for another session of the guitar festival. The Mayes Guitar Duo who played lutes and guitars. I thought it was very good, but the performers - husband and wife - were VERY NOT pleased due to their guitars not staying in tune during the second half of the event. They did not come back after their last piece for a final bow. Another reason I liked it was the thought of being married, happy and in such sync with your spouse as I watched them play and interact during the performance.
I am going to pass on the Neville Brothers tonight. Weather AND going it alone make it not a draw for me. Maybe Aaron Neville will come to me in my dreams tonight. I will go to another session at the guitar festival tonight.
Still no word from my son. I am "visualizing" he is on a great adventure... And to another man on an adventure, it is NBA Draft day beginning tonight. I will keep my eye on what happens for JameSon. Lots has happened in his life in the relatively short time I have followed his basketball "career".
Have a good day.

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