Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Swimming, more guitars

A nice after work swim last night at my brother's house. Nobody home until I was getting ready to leave. No walk. It was definitely HHH and the pool drew me more than the asphalt. Also dropped off my niece's birthday card while I was there. I am very excited that my SIL asked if I would house sit while they are on vacation in August...morning and evenings in the pool!!! I am in heaven about that thought. I am thinking tonight I will make a stop at the town pool then head into the next in the series of the International Guitar Festival at U of H.
Forgot to mention that I got a new pair of Peeps flip flops from my cousin when I was helping move furniture last weekend. I love them!!! I am a lucky girl.
Had my annual evaluation at work...I am a good worker except my lack of "party sense" and my "test-i-ness" about someone else's last minute planning becoming my emergency. The boss put it in different terms, but - as I told the boss - at my age, I am who I am and this has been a very hard place for me to "read". We will see if I get a better read during this year ahead. I have planned my vacations for the year, so I guess I will stay to fill that "commitment". I will let the rest fill in the blanks between times off.
July 17; Oct 22-26; Dec 17-21; Jan 21-25; Feb 4-8; Mar 24-28; and Jun 12-17.
I got an email from the 1st Selectman saying that one committee has expressed interest in my joining them. I will have my Board of Selectmen interview on July 18...hope I pass. It reminds me of when we had to be "interviewed" to move into a trailer park in a not so stellar phase of my life in the early North Carolina days. I thought it was going to be embarrassing if I had done all I had done, but couldn't "qualify" to be a trailer park resident...good news, bad news - we passed.
Weekly Cosmic guidance: Welcome to Part Two of your outlook for the second half of 2007, Libra. We're checking up on how you're progressing with the long-term tasks you were assigned six months ago. So let me ask you: Have you been practicing discernment as you've explored the mysteries of variety? Have you been trying a host of different alternatives, but without dissipating your focus? The danger is the opportunity; the opportunity is the danger: In the next six months, you'll either refine your intelligence or waste your intelligence as you experiment with combining things that have never before been combined. You'll either embody the archetype of the promiscuous dilettante or the archetype of the versatile master of improvisation.
I needed to get my dictionary out to see if I was on track or not. I am hoping for the refine route and versatile master of improvisation.
In news today, it sounds like Pfizer is under legal fire in Nigeria for its testing of drugs that led to death of children. I guess that "Gardener" movie I went to see last year played out. I am uneasy about so many of the pharmaceutical companies and their policies. I can't remember where I read it of late, but we are the most addicted generation ever - on so many levels in my mind. I don't think that should be any surprise to anyone.
USL AD leaving for MD. I wish I was qualified for that job. To be Majerus' desire for that should also not be a surprise to anyone - on so many levels... I am watching the news for the NBA draft tomorrow. Also wondering when the college basketball schedules come out so I can start making my Jan/Feb vacation plans.
Have a good HHH day.

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